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10 Common Expressions in English

Idioms in English - 'All'

English Grammar - Much / Many / A lot

English Vocabulary - WISH & HOPE

English Grammar - SO & NEITHER

English Grammar - Negative Forms of MUST & HAVE TO

English Speaking - Mistakes & Regrets ("I should have studied" etc.)

English Grammar - Superlative Adjectives (most, best, etc.)

English Grammar - Comparative Adjectives

English Grammar - Countable and Uncountable Nouns

More Common Workplace Expressions

Expressing Time in English

7 Common English Expressions about Money $$$

English Grammar & Writing - Capitalization

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


01. Ela estava uma pilha de nervos. – She was a bundle of nerves.
02. Estou de saída. – I’m on my way out.
03. Os dias dele estão contados. – His days are numbered.
04. Dois é bom, três é demais. – Two’s company, three’s a crowd.
05. O professor tem birra de mim. – The teacher has it in for me.
06. Acho que estou ficando doente. – I think I’m coming down with something.
07. Tem que descongelar a carne antes. – You have to thaw out the meat first.
08. Quanto ficou o conserto? – What did the repair come to?
09. São ossos do ofício. – It comes with the territory.
10. Me sinto um pouco deslocado aqui. – I feel a little out of place here.
11. Vou passar na livraria antes de ir pra casa. – I’ll swing by the bookstore before going home.
12. Ele bateu as botas (morreu). – He kicked the bucket.
13. Vai lá em casa pra gente jogar conversa fora. – Come over so we can shoot the breeze.
14. aos trancos e barrancos – by leaps and bounds
15. Vou ficar de boa este fim de semana, não vou sair. – I’m just going to take it easy this weekend, I’m not going out.
16. Entra aí! (no carro) – Hop in!
17. Há muitas reviravoltas na trama. – There are many twists and turns in the plot.
18. Isso me pegou de surpresa. – That caught me off guard.
19. Ela é fanática por cinema. – She’s a movie buff.
20. Por que ela está emburrada? – Why is she moping around?
21. Sempre que eu converso com a namorada dele, ele me olha feio. – Every time I talk to his girlfriend he gives me the dirty look.
22. Ela tem o pavio curto. – She has a short fuse.
23. Este jantar é por conta da casa. – This dinner is on the house.
24. Ela tem uma queda por mim. – She has a soft spot for me.
25. Ouvi uma fofoca que … – I heard through the grapevine that …
This is it for today, people! See y’all next time!

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